Moments, Movement, and Triumphs
By: Mark ThomasOne of my goals is to create a business that has a 2-way, long-term relationship with its customers. After all, those are the kinds of relationships I value in my personal life. What are we if not a bunch of grownup kids forced to work for a living :) So, I'm attempting to make this brand a way to create friendships and have fun experiences. To get to know you better, I asked you what made you feel alive or connected. I got a flood of responses back. It's about Moments, Movement, and Triumphs.
1. Moments
Many responses recounted the experiences they've had while going on adventures with their friends and family. Others talked about the singular moments they have that reconnect and ground them.
"My adventure connection is with my 23 year old son. Conquering fear, the exhilaration of a challenge, teamwork and relying on each other are “life lessons” that I am compelled to pass along to my son as he grows into what I will call “meaningful manhood”. I want to continue to prepare him to make a difference - to his future family and to our society. "
"All of God's creation has a similar impact on me, there's something inside my soul that calls me to be outdoors. Whenever I'm on a trail or on the ocean or anywhere far away from the hyper-civilized world (in which most of my time is spent, unfortunately). I have this inexplicable feeling of security, this feeling that I'm home." - Gregory
2. Movement.
It's about pushing your body and staying healthy.
"Sore muscles after a good hike make me feel alive. It's always been a good day when I can feel every muscle in my body and can tell tomorrow I will still be able to feel those after effects. It makes everything feel more Real!" - Mandy
"I feel most connected when something "clicks" for me in my yoga practice. I remember the first time I was able to lift up the smallest bit of my torso when attempting headstand. I had fallen out of this pose time after time, and this seemingly minor step made me feel absolutely invincible. Although my headstand has significantly improved since then, nothing will diminish that initial feeling of accomplishment. I love my yoga practice because I am simultaneously the athlete, the coach, and the cheerleader. It is most certainly the mind-body connection that fuels my fire." - Lisa
3. Triumphs.
Doing something that pushes you to your limit and proving yourself, and others, wrong.
"Recently I experienced my first major climbing accident. I fell roughly 20 feet before my belayer caught me and injured my right leg. The bruising and swelling kept me from climbing for two and a half weeks. Earlier this week I got outside to try myself at outdoor climbing again. All was well on my first route until I struggled with one handhold and had a slight panic attack as the memory and feeling of the fall came flooding back to me. I took a few minutes to calm myself and let the feeling subside before continuing the climb. I reached the top and felt relief and joy in the accomplishment! I didn't allow the feelings of fear keep me from doing what I love. It reminded me how amazing it is to be alive, to use my body and abilities to climb great heights and witness the beauty of nature. Never let yourself quit before you've pushed yourself to your limits and beyond. There is an incredible world out there to be a part of!" -Kayla
Other notable responses:
"I'd say the sense of awe and astonishment each time, I get to walk in nature. The realization of the ebb and flow of nature's harmonies and balance and how I too am part of the intricate web of life. Attached find a pic of a black bear that decided to join me on a day hike in the redwoods a few weeks back. Neither of us seemingly concerned about the other but completely content in traveling together. As I like to say on my website, "May every day be a day lived well...". Well, this experience certainly fit that description for me and is the main reason for my appreciation of nature's gifts." - Rodney
"As a landscape photographer, being outside feels as I am sharing secret moments with nature…solitude, the sounds of the woods, the smell of the ocean and the light falling and fading, all make me feel alive." - Matte
"Things that I do to feel more connected and confident in myself include traveling to new islands on cruises to explore new cultures the way my dads mom did. While there my wife and I enjoy animal interactions like snorkeling with wild nurse sharks and stingrays and turtles in places like Belize and Grand Cayman." - Jonathan